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ARTEVO is a prototype that creates digital images and simple games using artificial evolution. The user can define a template for the basic kind of image or game he wants with the node editor, then use artificial evolution to generate a multitude of images or games of that type. For now, it can only generate digital paintings and designs in the styles of Piet Mondrian, Mark Rothko and Joshua Davis and simple 2.5D platformer games.
How it works
  • The user uses a node editor to create a template that defines what type of images or games ArtEvo generates.
  • The user creates a project with the template.
  • The template and random values are used to create an initial generation of instances.
  • The instances are evaluated by the user and ranked by ArtEvo.
  • The worst instances are eliminated.
  • The next generations are created with evolution by pairing two parents together and using randomly selected aspects of each parent to create a child.
  • The evolution process can be repeated to create as many generations as the user likes.
  • The overall fitness of the instances improves with each new generation.
ARTEVO.cpp C++ Version
ARTEVO.js JavaScript Version
If you need to contact us, please email us at: feedbaccstudios@gmail.com